Back to Lego Technic | Tutorials & Concepts | Sample Creations | Type of Components |
Preview | Component | Description |
Straight Round Beams | Modern studless beams which supersedes the Square Beams. Has round ends and is lighter than Square Beams. |
Straight Square Beams | Vintage studded beams being able to attach themselves on top of each other. Has sharp cornered ends, stacking them aligns the holes vertically. |
Thin Beams | Modern studless beams having half the thickness of the Round Beams. Half-rounded connectors would fit in the holes perfectly. |
Angled Beams | Modern studless beams having 90 degree to 145 degree angles. 45 degree angles aligns the holes disproportionally, but with another 45 degree angle it will be proportionate again. |
Axles | Rods with cross-shaped intersections that hold up beams with cross-intersection holes disabling free rotation. Generally has a tight fit through cross-holes. |
Axle Connectors | Connects 2 axles together, having 90 degree to 180 degree angles. Connectors with the middle hole is 3 studs long and the connector without the hole is 2 studs long. |
Pegs | Connects round beams together sideways having a round, cross or half-round intersection. Beige coloured pegs can rotate smoothly in the holes but the blue and black pegs can't rotate smoothly. |
Gears | Interconnects with each other to transfer kinetic energy from one location to the other. When a larger gear is connected to a smaller gear, it is called gear-down. The torque is reduced but the speed is increased. |
Wheels | Allows motion on land. Rims can be fitted into tyres for added traction The larger the diameter of the wheel, the faster the vehicle but less torque. |
Springs | Allows suspension and tension effects on creations. The yellow spring is the hardest to compress because it is the hardest spring. |
Pneumatics | Allows energy storage in the form of air in creations The pump can be connected to a motor for continuous pumping, the gray switch can release air from the tank or allow only air intake. |